In July of 2011 Mr. King became President and developed the by-laws, committee structure, and appointed Committee Chairs of the Michigan Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Roundtable.  In that capacity, Mr. King developed the levels of membership, the format of the membership application and initiated statewide recruitment efforts. As the President Michigan SDVOB Roundtable Mr. King organized materials which he then present to the Governor’s staff on the history of the 2005 SDVOB law, Veteran information and further discussed the reasons for the failure by the State to reach the goals during the August 2011 meeting.  Fellow officers and members of the Board of Directors launched a grassroots campaign to find SDVOBs in Michigan. The Michigan SDVOB Roundtable was included in the 2005 SDVOB law as an advisory group to the Governor and Legislature.